Baby Booster is a supplement that nourishes expecting moms with all-natural ingredients. For those who are expecting or have had children, the importance of a healthy diet is something that cannot be ignored or taken lightly. However the question many expectant pregnant women ask is that: is baby booster protein safe ? This article will answer and clear all your doubts about baby booster.
What is baby booster?
Baby Booster is a delicious, nutritious shake specifically designed (by an OBGYN) for new and expecting mommas. Baby Booster is loaded with things that mommas (and babies) need like Protein, DHA, Folate, B6 (which may help with morning sickness) and more!
Baby Booster was designed for new and expectant mommies to provide them with essential nutrients before and after their little one arrives.
Why should a pregnant woman use baby booster
As an expectant mother, your diet is very important for your baby’s growth.
How much protein you eat during pregnancy is vital for your growing baby and affects everything from your baby’s birthweight to the size of their head. It could even affect how healthy they are as an adult!
Supplements for pregnant women
When you’re pregnant, eating healthy foods is more important than ever. You need more protein, iron, calcium, and folic acid than you did before pregnancy. Baby Booster is loaded with nutrients that new and expectant mommas need like:
Protein is critical for ensuring the proper growth of baby’s tissues and organs, including the brain. It also helps with breast and uterine tissue growth during pregnancy.
It even plays a role in your increasing blood supply, allowing more blood to be sent to your baby. Your protein needs increase during each trimester of pregnancy. The American Pregnancy Association recommends two or more protein servings per day, combining to a total of 75 to 100 grams during pregnancy.
Depending on your weight and which trimester you’re in. Talk to your doctor to see how much you specifically need.
Good sources of protein include:
- lean beef and pork
- chicken
- salmon
- nuts
- peanut butter
- cottage cheese
- beans
Calcium helps build your baby’s bones and regulates your body’s use of fluids. It does a body good, right? All women, including pregnant women, aged 19 years and older should get 1,000 mg of calcium daily.
You’ll likely need additional calcium to supplement regular prenatal vitamins.
Good sources of calcium include:
- milk
- yogurt
- cheese
- low-mercury fish and seafood, such as salmon, shrimp, catfish, and canned light tuna
- calcium-set tofu
- dark green, leafy vegetables
Folate, also known as folic acid, plays an important part in reducing the risk of neural tube defects. These are major birth defects that affect the baby’s brain and spinal cord, such as spina bifida and anencephaly.
When you’re pregnant, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) recommends 600 to 800 mcg of folate.
You can get folate from these foods:
- liver
- nuts
- dried beans and lentils
- eggs
- nuts and peanut butter
- dark green, leafy vegetables
Iron works with sodium, potassium, and water to increase blood flow. This helps ensure that enough oxygen is supplied to both you and your baby.
You should be getting 27 mg of iron per day, preferably alongside some vitamin C to increase absorption.
Good sources of this nutrient include:
- dark green, leafy vegetables (noticing a trend with this one?)
- citrus fruits
- enriched breads or cereals
- lean beef and poultry
- eggs
Is baby booster protein safe
Yes, Baby Booster protein is safe and was designed for women to take before, during and after pregnancy. All Baby Booster Protein powders are made with hormone free whey protein which CONTAINS lactose.
Things to avoid when pregnant
- alcohol
- excessive caffeine
- raw meats and seafood
- high-mercury fish
- uncooked processed meats
- unpasteurized dairy
Let your midwife or healthcare team guide you in creating a specific, enjoyable, and achievable meal plan based on your age, weight, risk factors, and medical history. You’ve got this